Friday, May 29, 2009

Tavares Passes On Upper Body Stations

Well it was the big news of the day and you can basically look at it from several different angles. The most likely of which is JT is still experiencing issues with the shoulder that was hurt in the prospects game and he nursed through the end of the season, it also is possible that his agent recommended passing on these as to portray to those questioning Tavares' sub-par playoffs was due to his shoulder issues, or there is the chance the Islanders could have told him that he is going to be the pick and to rest the sore shoulder.

Anyway you cut it, Tavares is likely going to take it easy on that shoulder so that he can start his summer preparations for his first NHL training camp.

We had a ton of news today. Along with the combine also came the news that Tavares will not be attending the Canadian junior camp which isn't a huge suprise, he more than likely will be a key component of an NHL team this winter and will not be released for a tournament that he has already been named MVP of.

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